
DEUTSCHER TIERSCHUTZBUND e.V. (German Animal Welfare Federation)
In der Raste 10
53129 Bonn
Tel.: (0228) 60 49 60
Fax: (0228) 60 49 640
E-Mail: bg(at)

Register court: Bonn Local Court
Register number: VR3836

VAT ID according to § 27a UStG: DE122123668

Authorized to represent and responsible for the content of the publications and in the sense of RStV, § 55 Abs. 2 is the presidium:
Thomas Schröder (President), Judith Schönenstein (Vice President), Ellen Kloth (Vice President).

All persons named can also be contacted via the above postal address.

The German Animal Welfare Federation is recognized by the Bonn-Innenstadt tax office on 19.08.2021 under the tax number 205/5783/1179 as serving exclusively and directly non-profit animal welfare purposes (according to § 52 ff. of the tax code).

Picture credits


Concept & design: Studio GOOD
Technical implementation & support: eulenblick Kommunikation und Werbung

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