Minipig Queeny bei einem Spaziergang auf der Wiese

Sponsorships for animalsOur pigs Miss Marple, Queeny and Simbo

Various pigs from neglected farms or orphaned young animals have found a new home in our natural pig farm at the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center. They explore the grounds with their fellow pigs, wallow in the mud, snooze under the heat lamp in winter and are happy for anyone who brings them food.

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Our three pig sponsors introduce themselves in more detail here:

Miss MarpleWild boar

Miss Marple was found by animal welfare activists as an orphaned newborn and bottle-fed. She lived in a foster home until she was ten months old, but was unable to stay there permanently. That's why Miss Marple came to us at the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center in 2015.

Miss Marple lives in a large enclosure with wild boar Simbo. The two are one heart and one soul. Miss Marple is clearly the boss of the pair and regularly puts the younger Simbo in his place.

Miss Marple also enjoys human contact. If the zookeepers want to work in the enclosure, they have to cuddle the cuddly wild boar first.

While she usually hides in the shade during the hot summer months, she makes extensive use of the heat lamps during the cold winter months.

Unlike most pigs, Miss Marple is picky when it comes to food and completely disdains vegetables. She digs much more than our other pigs - just like a wild boar! Unfortunately, Miss Marple can no longer be released into the wild, as she is far too people-oriented as a hand-reared animal.

Support our wild boar Miss Marple with a sponsorship.


Queeny - the very people-oriented minipig - was found in a ditch by the side of the road and has been living with us at the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center since September 2022. The little lady pig quickly settled in with us and runs with the other pot-bellied and mini pigs in a herd.

Queeny clearly enjoys rooting and wallowing with her fellow pigs. Sometimes she also explores the area on her own. She also likes to go out with her companion Gesine - always on the lookout for food and small treats that our keepers have hidden in the outdoor enclosure for their charges.

In the beginning, Queeny was a real little escape expert. Her declared favorite target: the dung heap. When our keepers picked Queeny up from there, she would run ahead on her own - the intelligent animal knew exactly how to get home! We have now reinforced the fence and Queeny's excursions are limited to the spacious outdoor area of her enclosure.

The little pig Queeny is always happy to have new sponsors - support Queeny with a sponsorship.

SimboWild boar

Simbo was only six weeks old when he was found orphaned and lonely in a field in 2016 and brought to the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center. He was nursed there as a bottle-fed baby.

Simbo lives in a large enclosure with wild boar Miss Marple. The two are one heart and one soul. The older Miss Marple is clearly the boss and regularly puts the younger Simbo in his place.

Simbo is sometimes a little boorish towards people, which is why - unlike Miss Marple - he should not be stroked. Nevertheless, he is very people-oriented and comes running to the fence as soon as keepers or visitors are nearby, hoping for a treat.

Simbo's favorite pastime is wallowing and digging in the large enclosure - he's just a wild boar. Unfortunately, he can no longer be released into the wild as he is far too people-oriented as a hand-reared animal.

Our Simbo would be delighted if you would support him with a sponsorship.

Minipig Queeny bei einem Spaziergang auf der Wiese
Our sponsored animals

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