Ziegen auf einer blühenden Wiese

Sponsorships for animalsOur goats and sheep

Most of the goats and sheep at the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center have been confiscated from poor private husbandry and can now enjoy their large pasture with their fellow animals.

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Our sponsored animals are introduced in more detail here:

ClydeNoble goat

Billy goat Clyde and his mother Bonnie came to us at the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center at the beginning of 2020. A wandering shepherd had simply left the two goats behind. Clyde and Bonnie were so shy that the Cuxhaven Animal Welfare Association had great difficulty catching them.

After just a short time, Clyde began to trust our keepers. Our senior billy goat Bolle was a great help: in his role model function, he accompanied Clyde as a "godfather" during the acclimatization process.

Clyde shares his spacious accommodation and the large pasture with other goats, including his mother Bonnie. Unfortunately, Bonnie passed away in the summer of 2023. Before we replaced the fence in the goat enclosure, the bright little fellow used every loophole to help himself to horse feed in the neighbouring enclosure.

Sometimes the goats have to be caught for routine treatment. Then Clyde keeps our keepers on their toes with his agile leaps and escapes again and again.

Clyde is always happy to have new sponsors - support the billy goat with a sponsorship.

KimyaCamera sheep

The pretty Kimya has a very special character, she is the bravest of our camera sheep, because these animals are actually rather timid and always ready to flee. They only become tame with a lot of attention. Kimya, however, approaches visitors she doesn't know with curiosity. However, she always keeps a certain safe distance.

Kimya was very lucky: she was rescued from illegal slaughter as a lamb together with five other Cameroon sheep. Initially, the six animals were taken in by the Bremen Animal Welfare Association, but since June 2016 they have been living safely and securely with us at the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center. Kimya visibly feels at home in our small mixed flock of sheep and can be easily distinguished from her conspecifics by her short and slightly crooked horns.

Camera sheep are often used to graze larger areas of grass. This is because they are very uncomplicated to keep and hardly mind the cold. They do not need to be shorn and shed their wool on their own when the season changes.

Kimya would be delighted if you would support her with a sponsorship.

Minipig Queeny bei einem Spaziergang auf der Wiese
Our sponsored animals

Would you like to get to know more animals from our Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center that you can sponsor?

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Group portrait of the employees in Sponsor Communications
Sponsor communication team (Mo-Fri from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
  • 0228 - 60496-72
  • Send e-mail
  • If necessary, please ask for English-speaking staff.
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