Participants at the 2023 General Meeting hold up voting cards

The general meeting

Transparency and democratic structures are the hallmarks of the German Animal Welfare Federation. The highest decision-making body is the General Assembly. It is convened every two years in accordance with the statutes and determines the principles of animal welfare work in the German Animal Welfare Federation. Resolutions are implemented by the Executive Committee.

General meeting 2023

The general meeting of the German Animal Welfare Federation took place in Bonn on September 16, 2023. The main topics were the current plight of animal shelters in the face of political inaction. The general meeting called on politicians to finally take action. Necessary measures include

  • A pet protection ordinance that, for example, makes a certificate of competence for pet owners or the castration of outdoor cats mandatory.
  • A ban on the trade in animals via the Internet and cost-covering reimbursement of the tasks undertaken by animal shelters for the state and local authorities.
  • The consumer foundation promised in the coalition agreement to invest in animal shelter infrastructure.

In a further resolution, the general meeting referred to other animal welfare policy promises from the coalition agreement of the traffic light government that have not yet been implemented. The animal rights activists called for the reformulation of the Animal Welfare Act as the most urgent measure. The aim must be to significantly improve the protection of animals and not just regulate their use, as has been the case to date.

In his speech, Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, also addressed the issue of animal welfare abroad. The reservation in the funding guidelines of some states, for example in North Rhine-Westphalia, is not objectively necessary, unsettles animal welfare activists and is one reason why necessary funding is not called up. However, if an animal welfare organization as the ideal sponsor of the animal shelter still has space and opportunities to care for animals in the animal shelter and uses these opportunities for good animal welfare abroad, then neither the municipality nor the state have the right to issue regulations for this: "Animal welfare has no limits."

New vice presidents

Thomas Schröder was re-elected by the delegates of the member associations and confirmed in office. He has been the head of the German Animal Welfare Federation since 2011. The General Assembly elected Judith Schönenstein from Witten and Ellen Kloth from Schleswig-Holstein as the new Vice Presidents. The previous Vice Presidents Dr. Brigitte Rusche and Renate Seidel did not stand for re-election. They were appointed Honorary Vice Presidents. Jürgen Plinz was confirmed as Treasurer of the German Animal Welfare Federation. Simon Berghane was re-elected as Youth Council representative.

Resolutions of the general meeting

Two resolutions were passed at the general meeting:

  1. Help - local animal welfare is collapsing!
  2. A promise is a promise - We demand more animal welfare NOW!

In addition, the Adolf Hempel Youth Animal Welfare Award was presented at the 2023 general meeting.

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