Mensch und Hund gemeinsam auf einer - von einem Holzzaun umgebenen - Wiese

Contact us

Do you have a question, a suggestion or a concern? We look forward to hearing from you - via one of our contact forms or by phone.

Contact forms

General questions

e.g. questions about animal welfare issues and the German Animal Welfare Federation

To the contact form
Questions about donations, sponsorship & membership

e.g. questions about the use of donations, address or account changes etc.

To the contact form
Questions about science & research

e.g. scientific questions on research topics

To the contact form

Contact the German Animal Welfare Federation

Deutscher Tierschutzbund e.V. (German Animal Welfare Federation)
Federal Office
In der Raste 10
53129 Bonn


0228-60496-0 (Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.)

Info service consultation hour for general animal welfare questions and concerns:
Phone: 0228-60496-73 (Mon-Fri: 9 am - 3 pm)

Please note that not all our officers might be able to assist you in English on the phone. We'll do our best to help every caller but our main focus of work is in Germany and therefore in German language. 

Who do I contact in an animal emergency?

Please call the police or fire department.

If an animal is being kept badly or you wish to report cruelty to animals, please contact your local veterinary office. We have compiled further information on the subject of reporting cruelty to animals here.

If you need help for injured wild animals, please contact animal welfare organizations or wild animal sanctuaries in your area.

Arbeit im Tierheim Berlin -  Kleiner Hund auf dem Arm von tierheim-Mitarbeiterin
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Become a supporting member and make an important contribution when animals need help - together for a world without animal suffering!

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