Ziegen aus dem Tierschutzzentrum Weidefeld stehen auf grüner Wise mit Bäumen im Hintergrund

Our offers

The offers and services of the German Animal Welfare Federation are as diverse as our work. Here you can find everything we offer on the subject of animal welfare at a glance.

Learning & further education

In our seminars, guided tours and training courses on a wide range of animal welfare topics, people interested in animal welfare and our member associations can gain or deepen their knowledge.

Join in

We offer many activities in which you can get actively involved in animal welfare and support our work.

Arbeit im Tierheim Berlin -  Kleiner Hund auf dem Arm von tierheim-Mitarbeiterin
Become a supporting member

Become a supporting member and make an important contribution when animals need help - together for a world without animal suffering!

Become a supporting member

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