Dtschb employees from behind.

Structure & Management

Transparency and democratic structures are the hallmarks of the German Animal Welfare Federation. This is how we are structured.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is the supreme body of the German Animal Welfare Federation. It determines the goals, strategies and guidelines of the federation. It consists of a full-time executive president, two volunteer vice presidents, a youth council spokesperson and a treasurer.


Five full-time managing directors have been authorized by the Executive Board. They are responsible for the content, budget and resource planning in their area of responsibility. The managing directors are responsible for the personnel and organization of their departments and relieve the Executive Board and the overall management in day-to-day business.

Portrait von Frank Meuser vor dem Logo des Deutschen Tierschutzbundes
Frank Meuser Managing Director Politics
Portrait of Esther Müller in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Dr. Esther Müller Managing Director Science
Portrait Bernd Pieper
Bernd Pieper Managing Director Communication
Portrait of Stephanie Schröder in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Stephanie Schröder Managing Director Marketing/Organization
Porträt von Caroline Steinhardt, die vor dem Logo des Deutschen Tierschutzbundes sitzt
Dr. Caroline Steinhardt Managing Director Associations/volunteering

General meeting

The General Assembly is our highest decision-making body. It is convened every two years in accordance with the statutes and determines the principles of animal welfare work in the German Animal Welfare Federation. All animal welfare associations in the German Animal Welfare Federation are also represented in it. Resolutions are implemented by the Executive Board.

National Council

The Executive Board of the German Animal Welfare Federation is supported by up to four co-opted members of the Executive Board and the State Council. The National Council is primarily made up of the presidents/chairmen of the regional associations or regional animal welfare federations. Between the general meetings, the National Council is the most important decision-making body of the German Animal Welfare Federation.

National federations

The 16 state federations of the German Animal Welfare Federation work tirelessly for animal welfare at state level and provide advice and support to the member associations in their respective states.

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Youth Council

The National Youth Council consists of the elected youth representatives of the regional federations. The members work on a voluntary basis to jointly strengthen and further develop child and youth work within the German Animal Welfare Federation. In addition to approving funds for youth animal welfare work in the clubs and regional federations, this includes reporting on their own projects, discussing measures to strengthen youth animal welfare work and implementing their own projects and working groups. The spokesperson, Simon Berghane, is also a member of the Executive Board.

Other committees

Complaints and Arbitration Committee

In the event of serious differences of opinion between regional federations and member associations, between the German Animal Welfare Federation on the one hand and (trial) member associations and regional federations on the other, the Complaints and Arbitration Committee can be called in. The aim is to reach an amicable agreement.

Special supervisory body

The Special Supervisory Body, which consists of three honorary members, performs tasks for the General Assembly, fulfills supervisory and control functions and reports directly to the bodies such as the National Council and the General Assembly.


An ombudsperson elected by the General Assembly serves as an external contact person. He/she has the task of receiving and pursuing information and substantiated complaints from employees, members or project partners associated with the German Animal Welfare Federation regarding harmful or dishonest behavior by individuals.

Dr. Elke Esser-Weckmann
Tierschutzverein Groß-Essen e.V.
Grillostraße 24
45141 Essen
Tel: 0201 8372350
Fax: 0201 83723566

Deputy Ombudsman:
Kevin Schmidt
Zwischen den Toren 2
99755 Ellrich
Tel: 0151 59403669

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