Mensch und Hund gemeinsam auf einer - von einem Holzzaun umgebenen - Wiese


Exclusive insights into our animal welfare center

Whether big or small bear, dog or chicken - they all find a new home in Weidefeld. The Animal and Nature Conservation Center Weidefeld of the German Animal Welfare Federation has made it its mission to offer orphaned or confiscated animals a new home. This is possible thanks to the support of our sponsors - for which we thank you very much!

Experience the diversity of our sponsored animals at the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center in the video.

Your contact:

Group portrait of the employees in Sponsor Communications
Sponsor communication team (Mo-Fri from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
  • 0228 - 60496-72
  • Send e-mail
  • If necessary, please ask for English-speaking staff.
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