German Animal Welfare Federation informs in Berlin Interactive 3-day event on animal welfare in Europe Press release

Ausstellung "Tierschutz in Europa"
In the mobile exhibition inside the truck, it is possible to get a picture of animal husbandry in European agriculture using virtual reality glasses.

What is the state of animal welfare in Europe? - the German Animal Welfare Federation is exploring this question with a three-day interactive event in Berlin. From July 3 to 5, information stands, political and expert talks as well as hands-on activities for young and old will attract visitors to Potsdamer Platz. The main attraction is a large truck with which "Project 1882", a Swedish partner animal welfare organization of the German Animal Welfare Association, is on tour through the major cities of Europe. 

"The way we breed, keep and use animals causes immense suffering and at the same time has a very significant social and ecological impact. At the same time, EU policy in particular often seems to take place far removed from the reality of people's lives and the international comparison and reference to Brussels is often used by politicians as an argument against animal welfare changes in Germany. Together with Project 1882, we therefore wanted to bring the complex issue of animal welfare in Europe to the streets - with a special focus on agricultural animal husbandry," says Jürgen Plinz, who, as a member of the Executive Committee of the German Animal Welfare Federation, also fights for animal welfare in the EU on the board of the European animal welfare umbrella organization "Eurogroup for Animals".

With a mobile exhibition with interactive elements that is touring Europe this summer, the animal rights activists are creating a shared experience for EU citizens that will help them to campaign for change under the new EU Commission after the EU elections. The event also aims to open a window into so-called livestock farming for political decision-makers in order to highlight the need for action.

Federal Animal Welfare Commissioner Ariane Kari will give a welcome address at the start of the event. Various talks will provide information on aquaculture, political animal welfare in Europe, vegan farming and the illegal pet trade. The experts from the German Animal Welfare Association will also be discussing with the animal welfare policy spokespersons in the Bundestag, Anke Hennig (SPD), Dr. Zoe Mayer (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) and Astrid Damerow (CDU), as well as with Dr. Kathrin Herrmann, the animal welfare commissioner for the state of Berlin.

Interested visitors can find out about pressing animal welfare issues at the talks and information stands and get an idea of animal husbandry in European agriculture inside the truck. It is possible to take a look inside animal stables using virtual reality goggles. Children can get their money's worth by painting, doing puzzles or playing the wheel of fortune. Visitors can fortify themselves with vegan food and ice cream.  The exhibition is open Wednesday and Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm and Friday from 9 am to 12 pm.

Note to editorial offices: We would be pleased to receive an appointment notice for visitors in advance of the event, as well as the participation of press representatives in the specialist and political talks. We will be happy to arrange interviews on site with the experts from the German Animal Welfare Fedeartion. Here you will find the program with the opening hours of the exhibition and all talks.

Contact for journalists

Exterior view of the German Animal Welfare Federation's federal office in Bonn
Lea Schmitz Head of Press Office / Press Spokeswoman
Hester Pommerening in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Hester Pommerening Press and event management
Employee German Animal Welfare Federation
Nadia Wattad Press
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