Extreme animal suffering in pigsties is inherent in the system Commentary

Ein Schwein in industrieller Haltung auf Spaltboden

Following the images of an undercover investigation into pig farms broadcast last night on Frontal 21, Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, commented:

“The images show extreme situations, but nevertheless these animal welfare violations are inherent in the system. Even the most well-intentioned farmer cannot make any lasting improvements to these conditions of warm housing, which are contrary to animal welfare but permitted by law. The lack of control mechanisms by veterinary authorities, treating veterinarians, transport companies, slaughterhouses and ultimately the food retail trade allow these unspeakable tortures to take place. Politicians and legislators must fulfill their responsibility and create the necessary framework conditions so that control bodies can fully perform their duties.

It is also clear that violations of a similar nature are preprogrammed, particularly in the already unethical keeping of pigs in warm stalls. However, instead of banning system-related animal suffering in warm stables, legislators continue to tolerate the fact that pigs kept purely indoors on slatted floors are exposed to a very high risk of becoming ill, injuring themselves and developing behavioral disorders.

According to the plans known to date, an animal welfare label would not change these conditions either, as the lack of structure in closed buildings would remain legally permitted, and would at most be semantically embellished with the terms “barn” or “barn+place”. We need a state certification and control system based on strict animal welfare criteria with close monitoring, combined with massive support for farmers willing to convert. The FDP in particular must give up its resistance here. Keeping pigs purely indoors is cruelty to animals. Politicians must finally recognize this and act accordingly.”

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