New Year's Eve fireworks Ban on firecrackers instead of frightened animals Press release

Eine Drohnenshow stellt an Silvester eine umweltfreundliche und leise Alternative zu Raketen und Böllern dar.
A drone show is an environmentally friendly and quiet alternative to rockets and firecrackers on New Year's Eve.

At the turn of the year, the German Animal Welfare Federation is appealing to all those celebrating to refrain from setting off fireworks. As a member of a campaign alliance initiated by Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DHU), the German Animal Welfare Federation, together with its pet register FINDEFIX, also supports the call for a nationwide ban on firecrackers on New Year's Eve. The federation gives pet owners tips on how pets can get through the New Year safely. The rockets and firecrackers that are often set off days before December 31st cause stress and fear in many animals.

"While people welcome in the New Year with rockets and firecrackers, the deafening noise, the smell of burning and flashing lights in the sky scare many animals to death," says Dr. Moira Gerlach, specialist for pets at the German Animal Welfare Federation, and recommends refraining from setting off firecrackers with pets and wild animals in mind. Dogs hide in the furthest corner of the house, trembling, and sometimes hardly dare to leave the house for days afterwards. Outdoor cats flee in panic and cannot find their way back. Startled wild animals leave their sleeping places in the middle of the night under considerable stress. Pigs, cows, sheep and especially horses also react sensitively to the sudden loud noises and bright flashes of light and can injure themselves if they try to flee in panic.


For the days around New Year's Eve, animal welfare activists recommend keeping dogs on a lead when walking them. To be on the safe side, cats should stay indoors during this time. Identification and subsequent registration of the animals with FINDEFIX provide security in the event that the animal does escape or cannot find its way home.

Owners of small pets and birds can keep enclosures and aviaries in a quiet room as far away from the window as possible and cover them with a cloth. Outdoor enclosures should be secured against incoming fireworks. In the home, pet owners should close all windows, doors and blinds to reduce the noise and flashes of light. A running television or music can help to mask outside noises. Depending on the type of animal, baskets, cuddly caves, small animal houses and the like can be used as a retreat.

"Dogs and cats in particular should not be left alone, because "their" humans give the animals security. Even if an animal hides away, which should be respected, the presence of humans reduces stress," says Gerlach. "The important thing is to be relaxed with the animals yourself so as not to increase their fear."


59 percent of people living in Germany* are in favor of a ban on firecrackers and rockets on New Year's Eve - in favor of animal welfare, but also for environmental and safety reasons. In another open letter initiated by the DUH, the German Animal Welfare Federation, in a broad alliance of environmental, consumer, animal welfare and health organizations as well as the police union, calls on Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser to take action. Animal lovers can cast their vote on the DUH website.

*Source: Representative survey on behalf of the Brandenburg Consumer Center by forsa GmbH (October 2023)

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Exterior view of the German Animal Welfare Federation's federal office in Bonn
Lea Schmitz Head of Press Office / Press Spokeswoman
Hester Pommerening in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Hester Pommerening Press and event management
Employee German Animal Welfare Federation
Nadia Wattad Press
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