Commentary Around 2,500 pigs die in Nordhausen Commentary

At the weekend, 2,460 pigs died in a Van Asten pig fattening facility in Nordhausen, Thuringia. The cause was a defective ventilation system; the alarm system apparently did not work. The German Animal Welfare Federation and its state animal welfare association in Thuringia - based in Nordhausen - have voiced harsh criticism.

Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, comments:
“The fact that failed ventilation systems are becoming death traps for thousands of animals is unacceptable. The extreme mechanization with forced ventilation poses a constant risk to pigs crammed into warm stalls. The move away from warm stalls towards more animal-friendly housing systems that are geared towards the natural needs of the animals must be driven forward. Different climate zones and a free air supply can be created through contact with the outside climate or through a run. This can also prevent the entire barn system from collapsing in the event of a technical defect. Permanently accessible runs would benefit the pigs - even in the event of a barn fire - as the animals could at least escape to the run.”

Kevin Schmidt, Chairman of the German Animal Welfare Federation of Thuringia, comments:
“The operating company Van Asten saves money at the expense of the animals: pigs are kept in the farm below the most minimal requirements; for years we have been hearing about problems with ventilation that have not been addressed. So the catastrophe came with notice, while those responsible apparently looked the other way. The agonizing deaths of thousands of animals must not be swept under the carpet. The public has a legitimate interest in finding out exactly what happened. In addition, there needs to be seamless, independent inspections in future - both in terms of animal husbandry and the functionality of technical systems.”

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