How to “enjoy animal welfare” Animal welfare federation publishes new edition of cookbook and baking book Press release

Following the great success of “Tierschutz genießen”, the German Animal Welfare Federation's cookbook, and its sweet counterpart “Tierschutz genießen - Das Backbuch”, both books are being published in a new edition this year. This is already the fourth edition of the cookbook and the second edition of the baking book. With 150 recipes from prominent chefs, the books show how delicious and easy it is to cook, bake and enjoy food without animal products. They are available in local bookshops and online at a price of 24.95 euros each. Purchases support the animal welfare work of the federation.

“With every decision we make in the supermarket and in the kitchen, we can stand up for the countless cattle, pigs, chickens and all the other animals that suffer for our consumption. A plant-based lifestyle and diet is the direct route to more animal welfare in everyday life - and nowadays it's not only amazingly easy, but also a lot of fun!” says Verena Jungbluth, Head of Veganism at the German Animal Welfare Federation.

Whether quick dishes for in-between meals or elaborate recipes for special occasions - the books have something for everyone, from cream of celery and apple soup to kohlrabi fillets and potato and pumpkin goulash to a vegan version of Black Forest gateau. In the spirit of animal welfare, the recipes are accompanied by information about the vegan lifestyle and the animals that benefit from it. “Behind animal products are lovable creatures that have feelings, needs and personalities. Most people form close bonds with their pets. It's time to get to know the animals in agriculture better and take them into our hearts,” says Jungbluth. The baking book also offers creative DIY tips for more sustainability and environmental awareness in the kitchen and more joy in baking. The proceeds from the books go towards animal welfare projects run by the German Animal Welfare Federation. This means that every animal lover who buys one of the books makes a double contribution to the protection of farmed animals.

„Tierschutz genießen“: 224 pages, NeunZehn Verlag, Berlin, 4. edition 2022, ISBN: 9783947188079, 24,95 Euro

„Tierschutz genießen – Das Backbuch“, 224 pages, NeunZehn Verlag, Berlin, 2. edition 2022, ISBN: 9783948638146, 24,95 Euro

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Exterior view of the German Animal Welfare Federation's federal office in Bonn
Lea Schmitz Head of Press Office / Press Spokeswoman
Hester Pommerening in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Hester Pommerening Press and event management
Employee German Animal Welfare Federation
Nadia Wattad Press
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