Leather - more than just a by-product DU UND DAS TIER 3/2022 Press release

The production of leather is the focus of the new issue of DU UND DAS TIER. The magazine of the German Animal Welfare Federation takes a look behind the scenes and provides information about the animal suffering associated with leather.

Leather is omnipresent in our society. In addition to shoes, jackets, belts and handbags, sofas, car seats, sports balls, equestrian articles and dog collars are also made from animal hide. But millions of animals suffer agony for this coveted raw material. Leather is not just a by-product or even a waste product of the meat industry. The leather industry is an important economic sector that makes animal husbandry and slaughter even more profitable.

Even the cultivation of grain, vegetables and fruit is closely linked to the livestock industry. This is because it is common practice in both conventional and organic farming to work with animal fertilizers and inputs such as slurry or manure and slaughterhouse waste. A promising alternative approach is biocyclic-vegan farming. DU UND DAS TIER spoke to Clemens Hund, the first farmer in Germany to switch to this type of farming, making him a real pioneer in this country.

The crème de la crème of breeders meet at pedigree dog shows and hope for their own dog to win the title of champion. But the extreme breed standards take their toll, with fatal consequences for the animals. The updated dog welfare regulations give animal rights activists hope that things will finally change for the better. DU UND DAS TIER explains why there are still problems with the implementation of the ordinance.

New animal residents such as raccoons, Egyptian geese and nutria are often not welcome here. They do not originate in European climes, are repeatedly branded as dangerous for local animals and plants or for humans and are therefore considered invasive species. The magazine of the German Animal Welfare Federation dispels these prejudices and shows how to deal with the immigrated animal species in an animal-friendly manner.

In other articles, DU UND DAS TIER explains, among other things, how to make a move with a pet stress-free and what needs to change in equestrian sport. As a special feature, the current issue includes the special publication “A heart for (farm) animals”, which explains why cattle, pigs, chickens etc. are just as worthy of love and protection as our pets.

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Exterior view of the German Animal Welfare Federation's federal office in Bonn
Lea Schmitz Head of Press Office / Press Spokeswoman
Hester Pommerening in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Hester Pommerening Press and event management
Employee German Animal Welfare Federation
Nadia Wattad Press
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