Cabinet meeting in Meseberg "Animal welfare belongs on the agenda!" Commentary

kleiner Hund, der aus dem Welpenhandel gerettet wurde, sitzt im Zwinger eines Tierheims

On the occasion of the upcoming Green Party parliamentary group executive meeting and the cabinet meeting in Meseberg, the German Animal Welfare Federation is appealing to the Federal Government and in particular to the Federal Minister of Agriculture to put important animal welfare projects from the coalition agreement on the agenda. In a letter, the federation once again asks Olaf Scholz, Cem Özdemir and Christian Lindner for help for animal welfare organizations and animal shelters. Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, comments.

"Minister Özdemir, now is the time - the legislature is approaching its half-time and animals need action instead of words! The promises made in the coalition agreement must finally be taken seriously.

In particular, the amendment of the Animal Welfare Act and the announced consumer foundation for animal shelters are urgent in view of the dramatic situation. The animal welfare associations can no longer carry the state's goal of animal welfare mainly on their own. A viable concept for restructuring agriculture must not be delayed any longer! Especially after the end of the Borchert Commission, the Federal Government is called upon more than ever to take sustainable steps in this area.

We expect Mr. Özdemir to state his position on these important issues, which concern animal welfare activists throughout the country and also affect all those who keep animals, and that he will take a clear stand for animal welfare in Meseberg.

Existing differences of opinion should finally be resolved and constructive cooperation restored. To this end, the FDP in particular must abandon its blockade stance so that animal shelters receive the financial support they urgently need and the Animal Welfare Act can finally be amended."

Note to editors:

With the current campaign "More animal welfare now!", the German Animal Welfare Federation provides information on which announcements from the coalition agreement have already been tackled and where there are only empty promises so far:


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