Federal Minister Özdemir and Animal Welfare Federation President Schröder visit Stuttgart animal shelter Animal shelters fight for their existence Press release

The German Animal Welfare Federation conveyed just how threatening the current situation is for animal shelters during a meeting with Cem Özdemir today. The Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture visited the Stuttgart animal shelter together with the President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, Thomas Schröder, and representatives of the Baden-Württemberg State Animal Welfare Federation.

“We are delighted that the Federal Minister is once again taking the time to see the important animal welfare work and the worries and needs of the animal shelters for himself. The 5 million euros in aid for Ukraine was a good support for which we are grateful. However, it only covers the costs that have already been incurred and does not change the pressure of the coming months. Many animal shelters have their backs to the wall in the face of rising costs. It is unclear how long they can continue to stand up for animals in need. It is therefore important to act now,” Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, made clear.

As an umbrella organization, the German Animal Welfare Federation has made a special “survival energy” fund of one million euros available at short notice to help its approximately 550 affiliated animal shelters with additional costs for electricity, gas and heating oil. However, Schröder made it clear during the visit to the animal shelter in Stuttgart that donations alone cannot save the animal shelters: “It won't work without political support.” Although local authorities are financially responsible for the care of found animals and seized animals in particular, the federal government has a shared responsibility and must make a contribution. “Animal shelters are increasingly confronted with pet owners who have bought their pets without thinking, are overburdened or can no longer afford the rising costs. What fate awaits these animals if charitable animal welfare is at an end and cannot step into the breach as before? The national objective of animal welfare obliges the Federal Government to take action in view of the worsening situation,” says Schröder.


The German Animal Welfare Federation is calling on the federal government to provide sufficient financial resources to help animal shelters cope with the massive increase in operating costs in order to ensure their continued operation. In addition, funds for the consumption foundation provided for in the coalition agreement must be made available without delay in order to enable the energy optimization of animal shelters and the expansion of infirmaries and nursing stations. In addition to financial aid, the federal government could also ensure that fewer animals end up in animal shelters in the future: A ban or at least regulation of the online trade in animals would minimize the number of thoughtlessly acquired animals - often from the illegal pet trade - and prevent animal suffering. A mandatory certificate of competence for interested parties before acquiring an animal would have the same effect, as would a positive list of animal species that are allowed to be kept in private hands.

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Exterior view of the German Animal Welfare Federation's federal office in Bonn
Lea Schmitz Head of Press Office / Press Spokeswoman
Hester Pommerening in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Hester Pommerening Press and event management
Employee German Animal Welfare Federation
Nadia Wattad Press
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