Stray cat at feeding place.

PatenprojekteOur sponsorship projects abroad

Our help for animals in need does not stop at borders. In many European countries, the German Animal Welfare Association works with partner organizations that care for animals in need and those left alone. We support local animal welfare workers financially and with help and advice in their important work. This is also made possible by project sponsorships!

Check out our German-language website to become a sponsor

We present the two projects in more detail here:

Animal welfare abroad

Anyone who travels to southern or eastern Europe will sooner or later be confronted with the terrible suffering of stray cats and dogs. Weakened animals that feed on waste. Sick and injured animals that need urgent medical care. Animals that join together in groups to fend for themselves and their offspring. Many communities only know how to catch and lock up or kill dogs and cats.

This is neither compatible with the idea of animal welfare nor does it solve the problem. In the long term, we can only break the spiral of suffering if the stray animals multiply significantly less. That is why we support animal welfare organizations that are committed to neutering stray animals as well as dogs and cats from private households in the affected countries. We help employees to care for stray animals and set up animal shelters. And at a political level, we carry out educational work, campaign for responsible animal husbandry and work to ensure that animals are allowed to be released after neutering - in Romania, for example, this is currently prohibited.

Day after day, our partner organizations on the ground - e.g. in Romania, Turkey or Spain - fight for more animal welfare and tirelessly try to reduce the misery of stray animals. Support us with a sponsorship for animal welfare abroad.

Animal Welfare Center Odessa

We have been campaigning for stray animals in Odessa for over 20 years and with great success! We have launched a pioneering project there: our Animal Welfare Center Odessa, which has been able to help tens of thousands of animals in need in recent years thanks to sponsorships. The work there continues even after the war of aggression in Ukraine.

In addition to thousands of cats, around 80,000 dogs populated the streets of Odessa when we began our work in the Ukrainian port city in 2000. Many of the four-legged friends were sick, malnourished or injured. The many animals were living a life full of risk and competition for resources. To get to grips with the situation, the city administration had a trapping service collect the dogs and take them to the kill shelter - the so-called Budka.

Killing spiral stopped

As animal rights activists, we could not accept this! Our goal: to end the cruel and absolutely senseless killing of animals and to significantly improve the quality of life of stray animals. We convinced the city administration of the effectiveness of the "catch, neuter and release" principle and built our Animal Welfare Center Odessa. Since its completion in 2005, the trapping service no longer brought the dogs to the Budka, but to us.

There they received veterinary treatment if necessary, were vaccinated and neutered and then released back into their familiar territory. Over the years, we have been able to reduce the number of stray dogs in Odessa from 80,000 to between 3,000 and 4,000.

Because the number of stray dogs in the city center was virtually under control, we shifted the focus of our work to the surrounding communities and to helping stray cats. These are not only neutered, but also fed at many feeding stations in the city area.

Support our Animal Welfare Center Odessa with a sponsorship.

Tierpflegerin füttert die Waschbären in Weidefeld
Other sponsored projects and sponsored animals

Would you also like to get to know our other sponsored projects and our sponsored animals from the Weidefeld Animal Welfare Center, for which you can also take out a sponsorship?

Further sponsored projects & sponsored animals

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