Vigil against animal transports to third countries Commentary

The German Animal Welfare Federation, together with other organizations from the Berlin animal welfare network "Joining Forces" and the European animal welfare umbrella organization "Eurogroup for Animals", protested today in front of the Ministry of Agriculture in Berlin against the transport of animals to third countries. The vigil is also a sign of the upcoming amendment to the EU Transport Regulation. A draft, which the EU is currently coordinating, is to be published tomorrow. Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, comments:

"In all likelihood, an EU-wide ban on animal transportation to third countries does not seem to have made it into the draft. And even if the EU were to plan improvements, this would not release Germany from its responsibility. Pointing the finger at Europe and doing nothing would be a mere evasive maneuver!

The immense suffering that accompanies all long-distance transports - whether by land or sea - for the animals being transported has long been known and has been proven many times over. The German Animal Welfare Federation has been fighting for an end to transports to third countries for 30 years. The current regulation has been inadequate for almost 20 years.

The animals have to endure days and sometimes even weeks of agonizing confinement, extreme heat and cold, thirst and hunger. And as soon as the external borders are crossed, it is no longer possible to somehow monitor EU legislation on animal transportation, which is already not being complied with within the EU.

Minister Özdemir, these hellish journeys must finally stop!

In the coalition agreement, the coalition government promised to amend the Animal Welfare Act. This urgently includes a national ban on animal transports to countries outside Europe!"

Notes for editorial offices: With the current campaign "Now more animal welfare!", the German Animal Welfare Federation provides information on which announcements from the coalition agreement have already been addressed and where there are only empty promises so far:

We will be happy to send you further images, including those of the protest action.

Contact for journalists

Exterior view of the German Animal Welfare Federation's federal office in Bonn
Lea Schmitz Head of Press Office / Press Spokeswoman
Hester Pommerening in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Hester Pommerening Press and event management
Employee German Animal Welfare Federation
Nadia Wattad Press
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