Turkey meat from farming method 3 still means millions of animals suffer due to beak trimming No reason for self-praise for Aldi Süd Commentary

Aldi Süd wants to celebrate the conversion of its turkey meat range to farming method 3 as a success. There is no reason to do so, comments Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation.

"From an animal welfare perspective, the conversion of the turkey meat range to rearing method 3 has a crucial flaw: this rearing method still allows beak shortening. This amputation is associated with pain and suffering for the turkeys and should be banned. It has been proven that only housing conditions that go well beyond housing form 3 can prevent turkeys from pecking each other. However, instead of offering the animals more space, more activity and better stables with exercise areas, they are mutilated by having their beaks shortened. The farming method and Aldi Süd in particular should therefore show humility and not be in a celebratory mood."

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