The coalition agreement must be followed by action New campaign "More animal welfare now"

Ferkel in einem mit Streu ausgelegten Stall

Since the publication of the coalition agreement of the coalition government a year ago, little has changed in animal welfare. The German Animal Welfare Federation is therefore launching its information campaign “Jetzt mehr Tierschutz” ( on November 24 and will be keeping a close eye on the federal government over the next three years.

“Millions of animals suffer in industrial animal husbandry, in research, through illegal trade or in pet breeding. They urgently need political support. The promising animal welfare chapter in the coalition agreement and the fact that the Federal Ministry of Agriculture is headed by a Green minister have raised particularly high expectations. Even if the political framework conditions are not easy at the moment, improvements for animals must not be postponed any longer. Now the promises must be followed by action,” says Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation.

The aim of the campaign, which will run until the next Bundestag election campaign, is to make the announcements from the coalition agreement and the actions of politicians transparent, to inform the public, to hold those politically responsible to account and to remind them of their promises. On the website, interested parties can find precise information on which announcements from the coalition agreement have been implemented or initiated and where there have only been empty promises so far. The site is constantly updated and changes depending on the progress of animal welfare policy. The government is therefore in control of the content. Animal lovers can take part in a photo campaign and show politicians which animal protection issues are important to them. In this way, the German Animal Welfare Association wants to give animals a voice.


The revision of the Animal Welfare Act, which is planned for next year, is key to improving animal welfare. In addition, the German Animal Welfare Federation is calling for a restructuring of animal husbandry, a strategy for phasing out animal testing and the introduction of a positive list for animals that may be kept as pets and a federal animal welfare officer. In addition, non-curative interventions on animals in agriculture, the use of wild animals in circuses, animal transportation to third countries and fur farming must be banned. Animal shelters also urgently need support.

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Exterior view of the German Animal Welfare Federation's federal office in Bonn
Lea Schmitz Head of Press Office / Press Spokeswoman
Hester Pommerening in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Hester Pommerening Press and event management
Employee German Animal Welfare Federation
Nadia Wattad Press
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