German Animal Welfare Federation examines legal steps Limburg wants to have city pigeons killed by breaking their necks Press release

Portrait einer auf der Straße gehenden Taube

The German Animal Welfare Federation, as the largest animal welfare umbrella organization, and its State Animal Welfare Federation Hesse (LTVH) are appalled by yesterday's decision in Limburg, which was contrary to animal welfare: the city council voted in favour of the killing of urban pigeons by a hunter and falconer. Because there are milder, cruelty-free alternatives to reduce the number of urban pigeons, animal welfare activists consider the decision to be a violation of the Animal Welfare Act. The German Animal Welfare Federation is considering legal action against the planned cull.

"Instead of setting up pigeon lofts and thus reducing the number of urban pigeons in an animal-friendly way, Limburg has decided to kill the animals. This is not only ethically reprehensible, but also a violation of the Animal Welfare Act," explains Katrin Pichl, specialist for urban pigeons at the German Animal Welfare Federation. Ute Heberer, 1st Chairwoman of the LTVH adds: "We are appalled that the city council has decided to kill the pigeons despite the immense protest and with the knowledge that there are milder, more animal welfare-compliant and more sustainable options for urban pigeon management. We will not accept this!"


With reference to the Animal Welfare Act, the Stuttgart Administrative Court stated in a 2021 ruling (case number 15K 4096/19) that authorities may not grant permission to kill pigeons if milder alternatives are available. The conclusion of the legal dispute at the time applies to all vertebrates: Killing may only be considered as a last resort and only in justified exceptional cases if specific health risks have been identified and alternatives have been comprehensively clarified. There is now sufficient evidence that urban pigeons do not pose an increased health risk - for example in statements issued by the Federal Institute for Consumer Health Protection and Veterinary Medicine in 1998 and 2001. Various veterinarians specializing in avian medicine have also been advocating for years that the stigma of pigeons as supposed pests should be put to rest. In addition, the construction of pigeon lofts with regular replacement of eggs with dummies has established itself as an animal-friendly and sustainable alternative for population control of urban pigeons. Animal welfare organization and volunteers have already registered with the city of Limburg for the possible maintenance of a loft.


The city of Limburg plans to have the pigeons caught by a hunter and falconer and killed by breaking their necks. However, studies and examples from other cities show that killing pigeons only leads to a temporary reduction in the population. In the district of Limburg-Weilburg, pigeons were ordered to be killed - by the same falconer - more than ten years ago, without the "pigeon problem" ultimately being solved. Any "gaps" created are quickly filled again by young birds or even pigeons flying in due to the pigeons' bred "breeding compulsion". "It is unacceptable that Limburg is using taxpayers' money to finance the killing of animals without being able to achieve the desired effect in the long term," criticize the animal welfare organisations.

Note to editors: The German Animal Welfare Federation has been dispelling prejudices for years with its #RespektTaube campaign and is campaigning for an animal-friendly approach to urban pigeons. More information at:


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