"For more animal welfare" at the Green Week German Animal Welfare Federation label remains the only genuine animal welfare label Press release

"Für mehr Tierschutz" label from the German Animal Welfare Federation

Even if more and more programs and supposed "animal welfare labels" are coming onto the market: The animal welfare label "Für mehr Tierschutz" (For More Animal Welfare) from the German Animal Welfare Federation remains the only genuine animal welfare label. As the federation emphasizes, only the animal welfare label guarantees a credible and robust certification and inspection system with at least two unannounced inspections per year. From January 19 to 28, industry representatives, farmers and other interested parties can find out more about the animal welfare label at the Green Week in Berlin (Hall 7.2c, Stand 109).

"Our label is a real beacon, especially in comparison with the other labels," says Elke Deininger, Head of the Animal Welfare Label of the German Animal Welfare Federation. Eleven years after its launch, almost 560 livestock farms are now working under the motto "For more animal welfare". "We have thus noticeably improved the living conditions of around four million animals." Despite complicated external conditions and a counterproductive agricultural policy by the German government, the label has continued its stable upward trend. Products labeled with the animal welfare label "Für Mehr Tierschutz" can be found on the shelves of 28 retail companies throughout Germany.

The animal welfare label is particularly proud of a flagship project that was launched last year: two farms were found that kept dual-purpose chickens and set up a chain so that eggs and meat could be offered as "2-in-1 chicken" at Edeka Südwest during the Easter period. "Even if it was just a small start, everyone involved is rightly proud of this milestone," says Deininger. The plan is to continue with another dual-purpose breed in 2024. It should also be emphasized that in 2023, more than 100 dairy cow farms have switched to an outdoor climate thanks to the label's advice: "This gives the animals significantly more light and air even at the entry level." In addition, "Für Mehr Tierschutz" is the only system that collects and evaluates animal-related criteria.

The "Für Mehr Tierschutz" label shows that it is possible to improve husbandry conditions together with farmers and retailers. The basis for this is trust, consistency and continuity, says Deininger: "We will continue to do everything we can to ensure that the conditions for animals in agricultural animal husbandry improve continuously and that consumers can make a conscious decision for more animal welfare," says Deininger.

Note to editorial offices: The traditional stand-up reception of the animal welfare label will take place at the trade fair stand (Hall 7.2.c, Stand 109) on January 19 from 6 p.m. - with words of welcome from Hermann Färber (CDU), Chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Agriculture and Food, and Petra Bentkämper, President of the Deutscher Landfrauenbund e.V. We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact for journalists

Exterior view of the German Animal Welfare Federation's federal office in Bonn
Lea Schmitz Head of Press Office / Press Spokeswoman
Hester Pommerening in front of the logo of the German Animal Welfare Federation
Hester Pommerening Press and event management
Employee German Animal Welfare Federation
Nadia Wattad Press
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