Commentary on dealing with wolves Commentary

Wölfin mit ihren Jungen im Wald

Thomas Schröder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation, comments on the proposals presented today by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke on how to deal with wolves in Germany:

"With her proposals, the Federal Minister has made an attempt to pacify the conflict over grazing animals and wolves. In future, it should be possible to remove wolves that overcome herd protection measures more quickly. This is a painful compromise, particularly from an animal welfare point of view, but nevertheless a solution-oriented one. However, there is still a lot to be done in terms of livestock protection, as wolves usually prey on unprotected grazing animals. Livestock farmers and the federal states must take urgent action here, only then will the minister's proposals lead to success. One thing is clear: the designation of wolf-free zones, population regulation or the inclusion of wolves in hunting legislation, as demanded by the hunting and farmers' associations, are neither legally compliant nor practical. Prevention and compensation of wolf attacks on farm animals are instead a central component of good wolf management."

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