Junge grau-weiße Katze im Wald


Your donation for animal welfare

We are committed to the protection of every single animal, fight against cruelty to animals and support our affiliated animal shelters.

Help us with your donation. Thank you!

Donate today and help animals in need

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Your donation is not linked to a specific project - so it helps us in particular to support a wide range of animal welfare projects and to use the money where it is most urgently needed. Thank you for your support in helping animals in need!

Weisser Mischlingshund liegt auf einem Holzfußboden und hat traurig die Schnauze über die Pfoten gelegt

Animal shelters provide great help. We need your financial support to provide food, care and medical treatment so that every animal in need can be taken in and cared for.

Geflecktes Kätzchen auf dem Arm einer Tierpflegerin, die sie streichelt

Street cats fight for their survival every day. Your donation can help animal welfare associations and animal shelters to care for even more animals and alleviate the great suffering.

Auf einer grauen Mauer sitzt eine zerzaust aussehende schwarz-weiße Straßenkatze.

Animals in agriculture are usually only considered a cheap mass product. Highly bred animals live close together and in a low-stimulus environment, in cages, in stables without daylight, in tethered husbandry and in small pens or even crates. Help us to put an end to the suffering of animals in intensive animal husbandry.

Ferkel aus Massentierhaltung schauen in die Kamera

Since 2000 we are fighting in Ukraine to break the vicious circle in the lives of street animals. Even after the beginning of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, our animal welfare center continues to work for the animals. Please support our animal welfare and neutering center in Odessa with your donnation.

Drei gerettete Hunde sitzen im Tierschutzzentrum Odessa in der Ukraine und schauen in die Kamera

Animals still suffer in cruel animal experiments. Every year, millions of animals are tortured and killed for the alleged benefit of humans. We stand up against animal testing and your donation helps us to do so.

Labormäuse bei einem Test

We are also committed to neglected and suffering animals in distant parts of Europe. There we help with castration campaigns and care for street animals, with the expansion of animal shelters or with the placement of abandoned animals. Please help us take care for the street animals.

Neben einem Müllcontainer läuft ein Hund über die Straße und trägt im Maul eine Mülltüte

In the puppy sanctuary, rescued young animals from illegal puppy transports are cared for and medically cared for. The elderly dogs are also waiting here for their new home. With the concept "Seniors for Seniors", the Sonnenhof also enables older people to take in a dog. Please help with your donation so that young and old dogs can be lovingly cared for!

Auf dem Schoß von zwei Menschen sitzen zwei Hunde

Please support our pet registry FINDEFIX with a donation so that even more animals can be registered and find their way home quickly.

KeyVisual von FINDEFIX mit Hund, Katze und Findi

Our Weidefeld animal welfare center gives animals a second chance. For animals that cannot find a place in normal animal shelters, animals that we cannot rehome, homes for poorly kept or confiscated animals from agriculture, injured or orphaned wild animals. Please help us support this place of refuge with your donnation.

Tierpflegerin füttert die Waschbären in Weidefeld
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Your donation is not linked to any specific project – so we can use it where it is needed most. * = Mandatory fields that we need for your tax receipt.
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Your contact:

Group portrait of the employees in Sponsor Communications
Sponsor communication team (Mo-Fri from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
  • 0228 - 60496-72
  • Send e-mail
  • If necessary, please ask for English-speaking staff.
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